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INSEI’s field of expertise and missions are part of a European and international reflection on education, vocational training and social integration for people with special educational needs, from an inclusive perspective.

The Institute’s development plan aims at expanding its international base, one of its challenges being to open its training and research to the world:

  • Developing research activities internationally, promoting the work of its research team, implementing an active mobility policy for faculty members, and organizing an annual international scientific symposium.
  • Adapting its training programs to international and European challenges, strengthening international partnerships aiming to boost mobility and European exchange opportunities for lecturers, management staff and students.
  •  Providing expertise and sharing good practices to support institutional partners and universities in countries opening up to inclusive policies (Balkan countries, Eastern Europe outside of the EU, African and Caribbean countries…)

In Europe and beyond, INSEI has been developing active bilateral agreements. It has established training and research cooperations with numerous foreign universities and other institutional partners. It now seeks to broaden its geographical scope of cooperation, particularly to North and South American countries, in order to analyze novel inclusive policies.

INSHEA represents France at the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, and actively contributes to its work.

As an expert in the adjustments necessary to provide education and training for students with special educational needs, INSHEA acts as a well-known technical and methodological advisor in countries newly committed to inclusive policies.


Moving to a European country is an excellent opportunity for students or teachers to live alternative educational experiences, to be involved in new study areas, to discover new countries, to improve their language skills, to refine their personal plans and to boost their employability.


For students, gaining linguistic, intercultural and professional skills fosters personal development as well as a better inclusion in the European job market. For faculty members, gaining and sharing knowledge and skills contribute to improving the quality of education while strengthening cooperation between European educational institutions and companies.


Mobility for students in higher education


Mobility for faculty members

European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education


The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, created in 1996, is an independent and self-governing organization that acts as a platform for European collaboration around the development of provisions for learners with special educational needs. Its mission is to foster and promote research in this field. To this end, it facilitates the collection, processing and transfer of all specific information about the research, practices and innovations developed in member countries, and offers them the opportunity to learn from each other through different types of knowledge and experience exchange.

Since its creation, INSHEA has represented France at the European Agency under its mission to participate in international cooperation, particularly with E.U countries (decree #2005-1754, dated December 30th 2005, title I, article 4). As such, the Institute contributes to collecting, processing and spreading information (publications, newsletters, the Agency’s website) about special educational needs. INSHEA also takes part in meetings (with one representative board member and one national coordinator). Under this broad mission, the Institute regularly updates the national overview of arrangements for children and teenagers with special educational needs in France. It also provides experts working on the thematic agenda or recruits them externally if necessary.


Ongoing projects

  • Organisation of Provision to support Inclusive Education


  • Raising Achievements of all Learners in Inclusive Settings – RA4AL


  • Information and Communication Technology for Information Accessibility in Learning - ICT4IAL)



European Agency website


  • An overview of special needs education in each member country
  • A list of member country representatives
  • A list of Agency publications
  • A database of useful links and key documents

European Agency’s news bulletin

An e-bulletin allows its subscribers to keep up with the Agency’s latest work and publications. To subscribe, log on to http://www.european-agency.org/  then click on “Subscribe to Agency News” on the homepage.

Euronews Agency newsletter

You can have access to this newsletter at INSHEA, or download it from the Agency website.

List of publications

  • Young People’s Views on Inclusive Education - European Parliament Hearing, Brussels, November 2011
  • Teacher Education for Inclusion Across Europe
  • Mapping the Implementation of Policy for Inclusive Education
  • Teacher Education for Inclusion across Europe – Challenges and Opportunities
  •  European Patterns of Successful Patterns in VET
  •  Key Principles for Promoting Quality in Inclusive Education

These documents are available for loan at the INSHEA library and can be consulted for free at the institute’s International Relations and Partnerships Department or downloaded on the Agency’s website (european-agency.org)


Erasmus+ program (2014-2020)

Ministries of Education in member states


Countries involved

European Union countries, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Turkey


List of Agency representatives in member countries: http://www.european-agency.org/country-information

Contact at INSHEA

Nel Saumont : nel.saumont@inshea.fr



The International Relations department has set up about thirty international cooperation agreements over the five continents.


Université de Liège, Belgium

Haute Ecole Libre Mosane, Belgium

Aarhus University, Denmark

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Irecoop Veneto Padova, Italy

Foro Italico, Italy

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania



Novosibirsk State University

MK Ammosov north eastern federal university, Yakutsk



Cœur de Kellys International association, Ivory Coast



USFCar - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil



CREFI, Haiti

UNEPH, Haiti

MENFP, Haitian Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Haiti

Université de Quisqueya in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

BSEIPH : office of the secretary on inclusion for people with disabilities - Haiti

UEH: State university of Haiti, Limonade campus – Haiti



IECD Lebanon

ILE Beirut, Lebanon



Kagoshima University, Japan



INSHEA enhances the expertise and research activities of its teams by organizing international scientific symposiums.

The International Relations department provides support to researchers for organizing workshops and symposiums gathering 50 to 300 people. We contribute to organizing them by offering administrative, organizational and budgetary support. We make sure that reciprocal commitments are complied with and that the event is successful.

From planning the event to publishing its proceedings through seeking funding opportunities, organizing logistics and establishing communication, the International Relations department acts as an interface between INSHEA’s administrative services, partners and researchers, and as a valuable resource for all participants.


Our latest symposiums:

  •  French – Latin American research symposium on disability – Faculty of Sports Sciences at Paris Descartes University, 10-11 July 2014. In partnership with Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. http://handilat.inshea.fr
  •  Symposium on disability and education for art and culture: the players, public and practices involved – Quai Branly museum, 27-28 June 2013. In partnership with the French Ministry of Culture and the Quai Branly museum. http://hapac.inshea.fr
  • Symposium on disability and sensory perception: listening, acting, music and brain plasticity – University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, November 2011. In partnership with the LEAD cognitive psychology laboratory from Dijon, France.
  • Autism and PDD: Education in all its forms – Paris Descartes University, May 2010. In partnership with the Faculty of Psychology at Paris Descartes University.



Many stakeholders who have realized how important European projects are for education and training help future applicants take part in them. These stakeholders form a group of advisors for various members of the education and training community:  international relations managers in education authorities, agricultural education institutions, chambers of commerce, higher education institutions, local communities, vocational training institutions for adults.

Developers of international mobility and cooperation form a support network for the different players of education and training.

As a developer of international mobility and thanks to its experience and missions, INSHEA’s International Relations department informs, encourages and advises applicants to take part in European programs.

It can also help identify possible partners in its area of expertise.

The term “developer of international mobility” conveys the following approach: identifying the initiatives that could be promoted at a European level, guiding teams towards relevant programs, increasing the number of participants.

Download the Charter for developers of international mobility



The International Relations department fosters, guides and coordinates all of the Institute’s international activities.

Our missions include:

  •  Keeping a permanent watch on national, international and community financing channels, calls for tenders and proposals within our scope, and delivering information to targeted students and staff.
  •  Managing incoming and outgoing student and staff mobility
  • Assisting staff in tendering and building international partnerships
  • Following projects at the administrative, legal, financial and logistical levels
  •  Contributing to INSHEA’s external communication policy to emerge on the global scientific scene.


Our team:

Gabrielle Bayle, project manager 
Phone: +331 41 44 35 76  
Email: gabrielle.bayle@inshea.fr

Christel d'Estienne d'Orves, project manager
Phone : +331 41 44 31 22
Email: christel.destienne-dorves@inshea.fr

Marylise Lainard, project manager
Phone : +331 41 44 93 47
Email: marylise.lainard@inshea.fr

Under the EU’s Erasmus+ Program, INSEI is now an Erasmus Charter holder.

This charter for higher education institutions is an essential prerequisite for organizing student mobility (mobility for studies and internships).